Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Flying (Walking/Running) to America

On the second week of October, I made my first step on the American soil. Chicago to be specific. It was both awesome and crazy. Like man's first step on the moon. It felt like I brought my whole family and friends with me on that step. Like they were there with me and experiencing it all together. I thought I would cry but I didn't. I guess my tears have all dried out after crying in airport bathrooms and on the plane and using Bing Bong's scene in Inside Out as an excuse for crying in my seat. I'm so glad I didn't put on a winged eye liner that day. It would have been messier but could have been more dramatic. 

But let's go back to 2 weeks before all that. Me and my sister just got back from Manila after the VISA interview which went really well. I told my parents and they were surprised to the idea of me leaving so soon. I was just as surprised as they were. I had 2 weeks of making sure I spend time with family and friends so I ended up not having enough sleep for the trip but I don't regret any second spent awake with whoever I could see or meet (which is all that time if you go out the house because someone or more will be there hanging out, may it be in the morning to the wee hours of morning HAHA. Something I have never seen here so far. Well, I've seen 2-3 people walking on the side of the road since I got here and it's been a month. One time a guy walked in front of the house and I was so happy, I danced. Truth.).

Beyonce on there because I'm fierce! Uhmm I try to be. Okay. I'm not. But Beyonce tho. ;)

Cebu-Mactan Airport aka Don't-let-mama-see-you-cry

I didn't cry. Tough me! Okay, I cried after I went in where the gates were at. 

The picture of mama holding my nephew Coco with the glass dividing us was still running through my head. I had to cry again or else I'd faint. Dramatic crying in the bathroom like in movies. But seriously tho, my heart was hurting. 

I boarded the plane. In an hour after take-off, I cried in the bathroom again because telenovela. 

Pretty stewardess woke me up asking if I wanted "Chicken or Beef". I played it safe with Chicken but I wish I had what that guy across me had. It smelled like I missed a good opportunity of a better meal. I then asked for juice many many many times because me likey and because Daniel told me not to be too shy or I'll get hungry/thirsty. So I turned myself into a "Hey! I can speak english and would like to ask for more of what you have at the back" for the entirety of the trip.

4 hours later, the plane landed in Korea! 

Incheon International Airport aka "I make other airports look bad"

I see many Koreans. I see Asians. A few foreigners. Other nationalities.
Korea as my first stop was great. The best airport in all airports I've been. Even better than Singapore's. <3 

It looked more like a nice mall than an airport.
The staff were accommodating. 
The gates were easy to find and had HUGE numbers on them.

Food everywhere! <3

I had time to open laptop so I took a photo.

Took this at one of the gates. Just an idea of how big and well-organized the airport was.

I left other electronics back home so I had no phone and my camera was deep inside the suitcase and I'd rather enjoy time seeing than taking pictures I know I wouldn't upload anyway. I didn't think of blogging it but glad I took a few from the laptop to send to family and friends and Daniel on real time.

Cute cup for coffee. I was definitely in Korea. 

Awesome graphic design was EVERYWHERE!

I had 3 hours there and this is what I looked like after 2 hours of strolling.

Also, that neck pillow from H&M which was on sale didn't help my neck at all. I suggest you invest on better and thicker ones for long trips.

Then I boarded the plane to CHICAGO (shi-cah-gow) haha.

It was a 13-hour flight. I got to sit at the last row and the stewardess was extra friendly to me that she told me I can get juice or any drink from the back on my own if I wanted more. Or maybe that was because I kept asking for more juice. But anyway, it was a really good seat. I sat beside a Filipina who was flying to Chicago to see her daughter and newborn grandchild. It was an aisle seat so it was easier to get up, walk around and go to the restroom. I got to eat 3 times on that flight. Korean Air was amazzzzinnng! Good food and extra special service. The crew were soooo nice. I give them 5 stars!

Chicago O'Hare International Airport aka "I'm Pretty but I am not Asian Nice"

We've arrived! I am in America! It didn't feel that way tho. Getting on and off planes and getting inside buildings just didn't feel like I was thousands of miles away from Cebu. It only sunk in that I was in America because well, there were as many Americans as the Koreans I flew with on the area where we were at.

Then I realized I was alone. I realized I did it on my own but not quite there yet. I was both scared and excited and turned into Sue who loves Surprises. 

I lined up through immigration for over an hour. I calmed down when I saw beagles as sniffing dogs HIHIHHIHIHIHHIHI Worked a lot better than an imaginary stress ball.

So I went through a short interview with the immigration officer who seemed to be under training and then I had to look for where my luggage was at. VERY HEAVY. Almost too heavy for a short girl like me but I made i through. I went running with an hour left before my next flight to Indy.

Long story short, I checked in the luggage, asked, found train, went on train, realized my hand carry bags were too heavy, saw Autumn, fell in love, train arrives, I come running, asked, had boarding pass changed with a kiosk, amazed, too many people!, amazed, and realized I had to go through TSA which had more than 50 people in line and my flight was in 30 minutes. I prayed. I got through. Arms hurt so bad. Looked for the gate and found it in 5 minutes. I was one of the last 2 passengers they were waiting for. I settled in my seat and I WAS THIRSTY!!! I got to have a cup of water with the nice stewardess. 

*That American Airline plane was really small tho. Smaller than the regular Cebu-Pacific planes. It felt like it could fall apart because the window had loose screws but the view was beautiful so naah.

Moment of Truth

It all started to sink in to me, looking down the wide squares of flat land, that this will be my new home. That I'll be seeing Daniel and will get to hold him, no longer in dreams but for real. The plane arrived and I couldn't wait to get out of there and run to wherever Daniel was but nope, didn't see him right there and then. Walked around, up and down Indianapolis Airport. It was nice and had high ceiling and had a lot of light coming in from the glass windows.

After 36 hours of travel, that 15 minutes of looking for him felt a lot longer. I came back to the exit where I went through earlier and finally saw him and his parents waiting for me there. The road to that moment wasn't easy. But seeing him stand there made all the weight and pain in my arms lift off. I ran towards them because, again, telenovela. Hugs. Introductions. Huge huge smiles. A full heart. and after three weeks and a day of meeting everyone, eating, experiencing firsts, eating, driving hours, fall break and eating, Daniel proposed and I said...yes!

The proposal is another whole tale to share. Surprises and a lot of magic, literal magic. We're getting married in 2 weeks!!!

So here I am, the girl who promised herself never to marry until 30, wearing a diamond ring while browsing through Pinterest #wedding #ideas at 23. 

Monday, June 22, 2015

Book Cover Design II

These are my top favorites out of all the book covers I've done from early this year.

Some of them were published.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Book Cover Design - Portfolio

I have had the opportunity to work under Tate Publishing & Entertainment, Inc.

Here are some of my works for the past few months.